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Why should all professionals in Latin America know how to speak English? Find out the beneficial aspects of this language.

This language is a fundamental part of professional and business life.

Un informático estudiando inglés.
La importancia del inglés en el mundo TI

English is the predominant language in the international professional world. Conferences, forums, and meetings are often conducted in this language to allow participation from people around the globe.

In fact, this is revealed by the XI Tech Salary Guide 2023, compiled by the consultancy firm IT HUNTER, which indicates that 75% of multinational and national companies require their executives to have at least intermediate proficiency in the language. Regarding this, Benjamin Toselli, CEO of IT HUNTER, pointed out that English has become a key tool for success in the technology industry and therefore highlights the benefits of mastering this language.

Why should all professionals know how to speak English?

  1. Greater job opportunities: Many multinational and local technology companies are always looking for executives and specialists who have intermediate or advanced English proficiency. Therefore, professionals who have a strong command of the language are more likely to succeed when applying for vacant positions in such companies, as well as gaining access to better salaries.

  2. Presence in international events: 80% of technology events and conferences worldwide are conducted in English, and a significant portion of communities addressing this topic also do so in that language. "Those who do not master English miss out on opportunities to acquire new knowledge, expand professional contacts, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends," commented Toselli.

  3. Access to relevant information and resources: A large portion of technical material on technology, such as reports, studies, tutorials, and online forums, among others, is available in English.

  4. An effective way to connect with the world: Given the advancement of telecommuting and video conferencing tools, IT professionals often collaborate and interact with teams distributed across different countries and continents. Therefore, mastering the English language is crucial for this purpose.

  5. Increases dissemination capacity: Speaking and writing in English makes it easier for IT specialists to share their knowledge with a larger audience, whether through opinion articles, blogs, or presentations.

  6. Boosts software development: English is present in many computer programs and programming languages, as well as in frameworks and libraries related to the field.

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